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Fermented foods rich in vitamin k2 in wooden bowls on stone surface, including natto, sauerkraut, dairy products, and kombucha.

What Foods Contain Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is essential for your health. To ensure you get enough of this important nutrient, it’s crucial to understand what foods contain vitamin K2—one of the vitamin’s unique forms. While vitamin K is widely recognized for aiding with blood clotting, it has other lesser-known benefits too. Its K2 form, specifically, has been linked to heart and bone health.
Keep reading to learn what foods contain vitamin K2, and why it’s so important for your health.

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The Fermenting of Fish and Fish By-Products: Fish Sauces in Ancient Medicine and Cuisine

Many people are familiar with the idea that the ancient Romans used fish sauces in their cuisine but not many people realise that the most valued and expensive form of fish sauce was made from, what was perceived by the Romans themselves, as rotten or fermented fish viscera. This special sauce, known as garum, was valued by the elite but it was also used in ancient medicine. Why on earth would anyone ferment fish viscera?

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Garum – The History of Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Recent events have lead me to have a close look at fermented fish products. In particularly I’ve been looking at a product called garum, which is the inspiration for Green Pasture’s Fermented Cod Liver Oil. These products are made in a very unique way, and as a result have some very interesting properties.

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