Last Updated July 24, 2019
Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil Certified From Sea to Spoon
Green Pasture Products has received the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its premium-quality Blue Ice™ Fermented Cod Liver Oil. The MSC—an international non-profit organization launched to safeguard seafood supplies for the future—is the world’s leading certification program for sustainable wild-capture fish and seafood products.
Green Pasture Products and all of its manufacturing partners have completed the MSC’s rigorous certification process, carried out by independent third parties. Certification follows the MSC’s Chain of Custody Standard, which ensures “ocean to plate” traceability back to MSC-certified sustainable fisheries. Green Pasture is one of only a handful of fish oil companies to have achieved the highly esteemed MSC ecolabel for its entire supply and manufacturing chain—from sea to spoon.
The growing demand for sustainable fish oils comes from informed consumers who recognize that their purchase of MSC-certified seafood products supports sustainable fishing practices and healthy ocean ecosystems—hopefully guaranteeing that these nutritionally valued products will be around for future generations. The MSC label explicitly acknowledges Green Pasture’s longstanding attention to responsible fishing practices, which complements the company’s unique commitment to using traditional fermentation techniques rather than industrial extraction to obtain nutrient-dense cod liver oil.
MSC certification is continually monitored and verified annually. During a transition period that may last several months, Green Pasture will be updating its website and Blue Ice™ labels to include the blue MSC ecolabel.
New Labels
Did you notice our new look?! In addition to the inclusion of the MSC ecolabel, we also have a newly designed logo and labels for every product line that you’ll start to see replace the existing labels in the months ahead! A new website will also be launched.
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