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Quality And Sustainability

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Quality By Modern Standards

Our cod liver oil is third party tested every step of the way – from ocean to bottle!
We use a traditional fermentation method for extracting the oils, while holding it to modern standards for safety and purity.
Our commitment to quality is our commitment to you!

Green Pasture Products is committed to recognizing and implementing conservative environmental approaches whenever possible. We use the highest standards of quality and sustainability when selecting our partners. That is the reason we choose Alaskan Leader Seafoods as our exclusive cod liver provider. Find more information about Alaskan Leader Seafoods, and our other providers on Our Partners page.

Green Pasture Products has received the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its premium-quality Fermented Cod Liver Oil. The blue fish label you see on this product means that Green Pasture Products has completed the MSC’s rigorous supply chain certification process, carried out by independent third parties, which indicates that Green Pasture is part of an accountable supply chain, and that the fish in our product comes from an MSC certified sustainable source.

Green Pasture is one of only a handful of fish oil companies to have achieved the highly esteemed MSC certification for its cod liver supply and manufacturing chain. Learn more about how choosing MSC certified products helps to protect the ocean for the future.

The Story of Our Cod Liver Oil

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