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Polyphenols: Oxidative Stabilization of Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Fermented Skate Liver Oil

Fish oils, specifically cod liver oils, are well described in the literature for their many health benefits. These oils have found widespread use as dietary supplements as well as for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Cod liver oil is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which the body must obtain from food and play protective roles for many chronic conditions.

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Polyphenols and Pigments in Fish Oil

Ever since Green Pasture began making fermented cod liver oil (FCLO), we have observed that our product is uniquely stable; another way of saying this is that our product has some sort of abilities to resist oxidation.

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Levels of Vitamins A and D in our Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient and plays major roles in bone formation (Holick, 2007). It is significant in brain, heart, muscles, immune system, and skin function. Researchers have also reported that vitamin D may be beneficial in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer (Garland et al., 2009), including skin cancer (Armstrong and Kricker, 2001).

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“Cod” Taxonomy: Understanding Scientific and Common Names

In basic biology lessons, grade school students typically learn about the concept of scientific (or taxonomic) classification. As students generally are told, taxonomy—the science of “naming, describing, and classifying organisms”[1]—makes it easier to find, identify, and study plants and animals (which, in taxonomic terms, are kingdoms, alongside other kingdoms such as bacteria and fungi).

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Scientific Analysis of Dr. Jacob Friest

What follows is the scientific analysis conducted by Dr. Jacob Friest, PhD Organic Chemistry, Chair of the Nebraska Section of the American Chemical Society. He had access to any test results he wanted. We tested anything he wanted and provided samples from our vats for further independent evaluation. Below is just a sample of the many tests he reviewed:

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