Privacy Policy

Green Pasture Products respects the privacy of its visitors and members. We consider your information confidential unless you authorize specific data to be shared with the public.

Credit Card Information

Credit card information is transmitted across a secure connection. We do not retain credit card data as part of the ordering process. The card number, expiration date, and security code are all discarded when the transaction is complete.


Green Pasture Products is committed to the tightest control of unsolicited email. Please report abuse to Green Pasture Products immediately. Also, kindly let us know if you are unable to unsubscribe from any of our electronic publications.


The website and web-based applications make use of cookies. Cookies are small files placed on your computer that may be used to help customize the pages and features you view or use. These cookies are not permanent, generally expire when you browser is closed, and are not used in any sort of cross-site tracking scheme. You may also delete cookies; consult your browser’s help files.

Log Files

We create and examine log files to help tune the performance of our servers and website. Information in the files may include such things as your operating system type, browser and IP address. This information is in no way connected with your user name or cookies and is used purely for administrative purposes. Log files are destroyed each day.

Legal Action

Green Pasture Products will turn over its records and information in the event of a criminal investigation operating under the auspices of due process. No special user-client privilege is understood or exercised with regards to the information you give us.