Bountiful Sea

Oxford, England is excited to offer a taste of the Bountiful Sea. Join in the adventure of tasting ancient foods and listen to world-leading specialists in ancient fish processing, zooarchaeology, and biochemical analyses.

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Polyphenols and Pigments in Fish Oil

Ever since Green Pasture began making fermented cod liver oil (FCLO), we have observed that our product is uniquely stable; another way of saying this is that our product has some sort of abilities to resist oxidation.

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Book review: The Real Truth About Vitamins and Anti-oxidants

Judith De Cava believes that “Whole foods make whole people”. This is the theme behind her groundbreaking book “The Real Truth About Vitamins & Antioxidants”. This book is an in depth look at synthetic vitamins versus whole food vitamin complexes. It clearly explains the difference and how we have been misled by the nutritional supplement industry. Here is just a taste of what the book has to offer:

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The Trans-formation by Michele Menzel

Never before has so much health information been laid out in such a user-friendly fashion. Many people are searching for a path to better health. Some suffer from a chronic illness or the symptoms of a serious diagnosis. Others are trying to lose weight without success.

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Historical Roots of Fish Liver Oil

Sometime soon we will publish an article describing the deep historical roots of fish liver oil and what we do, but meanwhile I wanted to put out a short teaser based on a couple of calls I received in the past week. There was an assertion made that fish liver oils used medicinally were first invented or discussed in Norway and only as recently as the 1700’s. That is not what my research reveals.

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Levels of Vitamins A and D in our Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient and plays major roles in bone formation (Holick, 2007). It is significant in brain, heart, muscles, immune system, and skin function. Researchers have also reported that vitamin D may be beneficial in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer (Garland et al., 2009), including skin cancer (Armstrong and Kricker, 2001).

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Celebrating 15 Years of Making Butter Oil

Barb, my wife, and I just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary and as is common we reminisced about our life together. As we talked, we realized that it has been 15 years since we began making our initial flagship product: High Vitamin Butter Oil. Wow, much has changed over the years, but our consistent dedication to our employees, customers, and business partners has not wavered.

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